Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Outside Reading 7 Post B

Dear Jacob,

I can't believe you ran away with the circus! I guess it is something you would do though. It's your life, it's where you belong. I knew you would marry Marlena too. I pictured you having five kids too because you take care of so many animals. This is mean, but i was happy when Rosie killed August with her stake that held her to the ground. And i was happy when they found Uncle Al dead. But i didn't know if he was killed by men with a garrote wire or if he did it to himself. The stampede was also very intense. I thought a ton of people would die but i guess not. I feel like everyone got what they wanted in the end, that's why i was so happy. The bad guys got what they deserved and died, you got your girl and all those animals you loved along with a great new job with another circus, Marlena got you and all the animals she loved and Rosie got to stay with you. I would also make sure that Charlie isn't anything like Uncle Al because you wouldn't want that again. But he seems like a great guy letting you run away with his circus. I hope that works out for you. It seems like a good way to spend those final chapters of your life, no offense. I wish you the best of luck.

-Colin Moynihan

Outside Reading 7 Post A

impromptu-suddenly or hastily prepared, made. (304)

chattel-Law. a movable article of personal property. (315)

"It's like Charlie told the cop. For this old man, this is home."(331) This is the last lne in the book. It is important to me because i feel like it was a great way to end the book. It refers Charlie and the cop. At the end, Jacob goes to a circus show when hes old and this guy charlie finds him and Jacob tells him about experience with his circus and all his history. Charlie likes Jacob and brings him to his RV. A cop comes looking for Jacob because the nursing home called cuz he was missing. Charlie made up an excuse telling the cop that Jacob was his dad and that he lived with him because Jacob was going to run away with Charlie in the circus. So whn he said that this is home it made me happy because Jacob must really love the circus and im happy that he ended up where he wanted to be and probably died a happy man.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Outside Reading 6 Post B

Dear My Friend Jacob,

It's been a while since i last wrote you. I feel scared and bad for you. How are you supposed to get Marlena and get out of the circus alive. Uncle Al seems to think something is up with the whole getting Marlena and August back together. He says its taking to long and i think he knows you don't want them to get back together, you just want to take enough time so you can get to Providence, drop Camel off, ad take Marlena with you. Which is a descent plan, i must say, but you could die! By the way, your plan is now half ruined due to the fact that they red lighted camel and Walter over those rocks and they died. I'm getting depressed with the constant killing and bad things happening. Will good ever come for you? I mean, you got with Marlena, but i want everything to go your way. Anyway, ill write back soon. Keep me posted and stay out of trouble.

-Colin Moynihan

Outside Reading 6 Post A

eloped- to run off secretly to be married, usually without the consent or knowledge of one's parents. (271)

imperious- domineering in a haughty manner; dictatorial; overbearing. (261)

"I lie motionless, savoring the feeling of her body against mine. I'm afraid to breathe in case I break the spell."(273) This quote is important to me because it shows that Jacob finally got what he wanted(Marlena) and he is afraid that it won't last. It shows him as a person who is constantly worried about the next thing and he can't just sit back and enjoy the ride. I interpret the "spell" as like a one night thing. Like he thinks the spell is something that only works once, so he'll never be with Marlena again. I just found that interesting i guess.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Outside Reading 5 Post B

Dear Jacob,

I'm very happy to hear that you figured out how to talk to Rosie, your elephant. I would've never had guessed that elephants could understand Polish. I also think its funny that Rosie likes alcohol. Doesn't she get drunk? Anyway, i'm sorry that Marlena and you haven't talked lately and that you don't like august anymore. I wouldn't hes a terrible guy. I'm mad that unlce Al still hasnt paid you even after everything you've done for the circus. You made the Rosie act and you're getting no credit for it. And you sure as hell won't get paid if Al finds out about you hiding camel away in your room. You're a good friend to take him in and not have him get red lighted. I wouldn't want that old guy staying with me. All he does is drink moonshine and that jake crap. But he is a nice man. You're starting to become a good role model to me. What you do and have done is a thing to look up to besides you dropping out of Cornell. Keep working hard, your're almost to Providence where you can drop off Camel. Don't give up on Marlena, she'll be yours one day soon.
-Colin Moynihan

Outside Reading 5 Post A

fathom- to measure the depth of by means of a sounding line; sound.(156)
vociferous- crying out noisily; clamorous.(163)

"Because if i though she was in any danger at all, there's no knowing what i might do."(159)
This quote is important to me because there was an event in this chapter where August took Marlena and Jacob out to this secret dancing club and the cops showed up. August of course ditched out right away and Jacob and Marlena ran for it on their own. THey went into an ally where Jacob tried to kiss Marlena and she did but then thought she shouldn't so she left jacob and the next day, which is when the quote takes place August seems like he knows something about it so i just thought it was a very important quote to the plot.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Outside Reading 4 Post B

Dear Jacob,

First off, I would like to tell you how interesting of a character you are. I love the fact that you put lots of feelings into everything. You're alos a one of a kind guy. I can't tell you how amazed I am sometimes the way you handle things. With this whole August and Marlena thing, i feel you've handled it very weel. I really want you to get Marlena because i know you feel shes just the greatest thing. I also don't like August because of how he treats Marlena, is mean to ytou now and then, and has that problem of his where he can be cool one minute and scary the next. I think you should just ditch the circuz for a number of reasons. 1. You have never been payed yet because Uncle Al is cheating you out of your money. 2. It's a dirty place, you sleep on a crappy cot in the room where the horses are kept. 3. You could still be a vet without being the circus and be with the animals you love. 4. I feel like your wasting your life away dreaming about Marlena and just working your butt off for nothing. Anyway, I hope you get a pay check soon and i hope you work things out with August and Marlena.
-Colin Moynihan